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Eamonn Quirke

Business Continuity & Cyber Security Assurance Manager, ESB Networks

With over 10 years’ experience in risk, compliance, and cyber security, Eamonn’s current role is ‘Business Continuity and Cybersecurity Assurance Manager’ for ESB Networks. This means responsibility for the oversight of the cybersecurity and business continuity controls for ESB Networks, ensuring that they meet the requirements of an Operator of Essential Services. From a cyber security perspective this involves overseeing the controls required to maintain the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of the ESB Networks National Critical Infrastructure and from a Business Continuity perspective this involves overseeing the development and testing of business continuity plans so that in the event of an unexpected disruption, ESB Networks continues to deliver its essential services to customers, as it delivers the electricity network for Ireland’s clean electric future.

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