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Dr. Maria Grazia Porcedda

Assistant Professor in IT Law, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin

Maria is a tenured Assistant Professor in Information Technology Law at Trinity College Dublin, where she researches and lectures on the relationship between law and information technology. Her work and publications focus on cybersecurity, cybercrime, data protection, privacy and surveillance in EU law. She is the author of ‘Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection in EU Law. A Law, Policy and Technology Analysis’, published by Hart Publishing in 2023 

Maria is the Principal Investigator in the project ‘Appraising the prevention and deterrence of cybercrime in Ireland through the law’ (Provost’s PhD Project Award) and a member of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN PROTECT network. Past awards include the Enterprise Ireland-funded ANTICS project. Maria was a researcher in collaborative interdisciplinary projects funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the EU DG Justice and Consumers and the EU Seventh Framework Programme. 

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